Saturday, July 5, 2014

First Post!

I've decided to start a blog - here I will chronicle all of my miniature painting adventures. I've been interested in producing display level models for some time now, and have finally decided to take the plunge. I'm bored with painting the same army/ faction/ model repeatedly, and want to be able to experiment and discover new techniques and styles with each model I paint. I also want to thoroughly enjoy painting each model I do, and army painting can get pretty soul-sucking; that 15th Winter Guard or 20 millionth nameless Space Marine can really be a grind.

Anyway, here are a couple models I've been working on recently. There are a few things left to do on both of these (so still WIP), but here they are anyway.

First up is eSorscha, one of my favorite models (both aesthetically and rules-wise) from the Privateer Press line.

I've had a dream of doing a base like this for my White Khador for some time now, and finally took the time to figure it out. I plan to do another model, Valachev, with a similar base. There are a few things I feel could be done better here, and I plan to apply those ideas to Valachev - namely how to spread the grass more naturally and that I should make the snow look more wind-blown. I have some ideas on hwo to do both of those things. I'd also like to turn the overhanging earth parts into giant icicles... but have to spend some time thinking it out before I give it a shot.

Next is a CCC Demo guy that I've had laying around for the last year or so.

I found this baggie of O scale parking meters I had laying around the other day and was inspired to try and reproduce the street that is in front of my house; it has this incredibly worn pavement texture, lots of cracks and patches. I thought the CCC guy would fit that experiment perfectly. I'd also been playing around with yellows and oranges, and thought I could come up with something pretty striking.

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