So... it's been a few months. School has kept me really busy. I haven't painted anything to a high level for a while, and I'm really itching to do a nice model right now... maybe start a big project.
I have, though, added quite a few models to my "gaming" Menoth army. I realized a while ago that whenever I played a game with nicely painted models, half of my attention was on not damaging them... so I turned to speed painting models for gaming. These are all speed painted. Here are just a few examples and amount of time I spent:
1. Max unit of Idrians and their UA (12 models), ~5 hours total (for the WHOLE UNIT!!!).
2. High Reclaimer, ~1 hour total.
3. Threeoss, ~3 hours total (lots of details).
This model is incredibly cool. I want to do another, and not speed through it.
4. Tristan the focus battery, <1 hour total.